Each February we express to loved ones how much we care on Valentine’s Day and perhaps help someone out on Random Acts of Kindness Day. This year can you go that little step further and support a local person with sight loss by volunteering as a befriender?
As a Sight Concern Worcestershire befriender you can make someone’s day by calling in for a chat over a cuppa or take them out to a local café. Many of us experienced a sense of isolation for the first-time during lockdown but for many people with sight loss or a visual impairment they have an ongoing feeling of loneliness. You could change that with a small commitment of maybe just an hour a week or fortnight.
Technology over the last couple of years been a welcome addition for many of us, allowing us to stay in touch with family and friends, to enable us to live independently and as an example, catching up via video with friends and family who are not local. However, many people with sight loss find it difficult to grasp at first. Can you help someone gain confidence using digital technology?
Judith joined Sight Concern as a telephone befriender during the first lockdown and says “I can 100% recommend Sight Concern Worcestershire to volunteer for. A very professional dedicated caring supportive charity for both service users and volunteers. I am very happy I joined them.”
We also asked Derek what he gets out of being a visiting befriender and he said “Volunteering for me involves making a simple, small commitment but one which lets me be a part of someone’s life. It’s a positive thing in their life and in mine. It delays my turning into a grumpy old man.”
So, if you would like to make someone’s day, please contact us now to find out more on joining our volunteering team. Please call or email Jackie our Volunteer Coordinator on 07570323913 Email: j.murrall@sightconcern.co.uk