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Free Zoom Live Well Talk – Charles Bonnet Syndrome

Sight Concern Worcestershire, along with the 6 other award winning Rainbow Collaboration Group members would like to invite you to a joint event with Judith Pots of Esme's Umbrella who will be talking about Charles Bonnet Syndrome. So please come and join us, on  Thursday February 3rd at 10.00 am, tell your friends and family! […]

Free Zoom Live Well Talk – Accessible Phones Workshop

  Sight Concern Worcestershire, along with the 6 other award winning Rainbow Collaboration Group members would like to invite you to a joint event with Mark and David of Outlookers who will be hosting an accessible phones workshop. So please come and join us, on  Thursday February 10thnat 10.00 am, tell your friends and family! […]

Free Zoom Live Well Talk – Yoga for Blind People

  Sight Concern Worcestershire, along with the 6 other award winning Rainbow Collaboration Group members would like to invite you to a joint event with Hannah Wroblewski who will be hosting a yoga session for blind people. So please come and join us, on  Thursday February 17th at 10.00 am, tell your friends and family! […]

Free all things Glaucoma Workshop

Vitual Meeting

Liz Ball and Robyn Asprey, Development Managers from Glaucoma UK will be joining us to talk about all things glaucoma. Glaucoma UK is the UK’s only glaucoma-specific charity, working to prevent sight loss due to glaucoma. They will be coming along to share their knowledge in World Glaucoma Week. Come and find out what glaucoma […]

Free Workshop – Photography Techniques if you are Visually Impaired

Vitual Meeting

Presented by Vicky Blencowe of Sutton Vision, this focused session provides you with helpful photography techniques  - you won't feel negative about photography for much longer! Please join us by phone or online on Thursday March 17th at 10.00 am Calling in from a Landline Phone Dial 0203 481 5237 and when asked put in […]