Newsletter November 2020
by Sight Concern Worcestershire | Newsletter
To start the new year nice and fresh and full of positivity in some of the most difficult times most of us have ever known, we have a few new things lined up for you.
Firstly, we have created a new Facebook page and Closed Group to enable us to provide more support to our clients who use the internet.
We are doing this because our current page has limited functionality for our page administrators to properly moderate discussions and posts. Moving to the new page will mean that we can provide more up to date information and advice and support to our clients, their families, friends and carers, as well as other professionals.
The closed group is set up to be an online peer support group for our clients who use Facebook. The group will provide a safe space for people to share their stories, the information they have found useful or even supportive comments to help everyone who is going through a difficult time. The group will be moderated by our Sight Loss Advisors to make sure the group is free of bullying and spam (the usual social media challenges) and to provide topics for discussion. Please drop us a Direct Message on Facebook if you would like to be added to the group and we can tell you how to go about it.
To “Like” our new page, please click on the link below –
If Facebook and technology isn’t your thing, we also have a weekly peer support telephone group which is every other week on Tuesdays from 10 am to 11 am giving you the opportunity to chat with others living with sight loss and visual impairment. You can join the group very simply by dialling 01905 915165 and then entering the PIN 555555 (hit the 5 button six times). The first session is on the 5th of January 2021
Finally, we are beginning a joint venture in the new year with Sight Advice South Lakes and Support4Sight Essex to bring you regular, monthly online and telephone group sessions over Zoom. These sessions will focus on health and wellbeing, inspirational people, information and advice and leisure activities, specifically tailored for people living with sight loss/visual impairment. These sessions are free to join and are on the second Thursday of the month at 10 am, starting on January 14th 2021.
In January’s session, we will be meeting a Dementia Champion from the Alzheimer’s Society to discuss dementia and sight loss. February’s session invites the “The Blind Poet”, David Steele, who delivers talks about his work and his journey with sight loss, and in March we will be meeting Dee Jones from Sense Adventures to talk about her enterprise and how it gives people living with sight loss an opportunity to experience new and exciting things.
If you wish to receive the online link to the Zoom session email conference@sightconcern.co.uk
If you would prefer to call in dial the following from your home phone to join the session.
dial 0203 481 5237 and when asked put in the Meeting ID: 458 043 7872
As always, if you need more information about any of the above or if you or anyone you know needs and advice, support, or guidance regarding your sight condition and how it affects your daily life, then please do give us a call. We have sight loss advisors on hand who can chat with you and discuss your needs in an informal and friendly way. Call us on 01905 723245 or email info@sightconcern.co.uk
And from all of us here at Sight Concern, do have a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year