Our Low Vision Clinic offers essential support twice-weekly for people experiencing a sight impairment when medical interventions, such as spectacles or contact lenses, are no longer effective in improving vision.
During your visit, our dedicated Low Vision specialist conducts a thorough assessment of your remaining vision. We provide tailored advice on lighting adjustments and recommend magnification aids to assist with daily tasks. Following the assessment, a suitable magnifier is prescribed and loaned to you at no cost. These magnifiers are invaluable in maximizing your remaining vision and promoting independence.We offer a complimentary review within 18 months to ensure the prescribed magnifier remains suitable for your needs. If necessary, we will provide a replacement magnifier free of charge.
Referrals to our clinic require a diagnosis of vision loss from a Consultant Ophthalmologist, along with your most recent prescription. We welcome referrals for people experiencing difficulties with reading, mobility, daily living skills, or any degenerative eye conditions. Appointments at our Low Vision Clinics are available by booking only. To inquire or schedule an appointment, please contact us via email at info@sightconcern.co.uk or by phone at 01905 723 245.
Referrals can come from hospital ophthalmology departments, opticians, GPs, the Sensory Impairment Team, or through self-referral or family members.
While our clinic provides one free hand-held magnifier, there is a wide range of magnification devices available for purchase, including handheld, stand, telescopic, and video magnifiers. We can connect you with trusted suppliers offering these devices.
Choosing the right magnification device is crucial for specific tasks, such as reading, watching TV, hobbies, or computer work. Utilizing the appropriate magnifier enhances daily activities and reduces strain.
Our free Low Vision Clinics are held at The Bradbury Centre, 2 Sansome Walk, Worcester WR1 1LH.
The Bradbury Centre
2 Sansome Walk
Registered Charity: 1136716. Company: 07258623.